maandag 26 mei 2008

Groupies groupies groupies

For months I was looking forward to meeting her, and so I finally did! An entire day of workshops with Sharon Kihara, I knew it would be hard but she is such an inspirational teacher I had so much fun and the (muscle) pain only came the day after.

We had 2 workshops of each 3 hours. Each time we had a GOOD warm-up of one hour. In the morning we then learned some combinations and in the afternoon she thought us a choreography. It was the first time I did tribal but I'm already liking it. Up until now I like every style really: cabaret, folcloric, tribal, typically me I guess to like everything.

As if the day wasn't good enough yet I got to go to dinner with Sharon, our super teacher Artemisia, Bellydancer of the World Khalida, organiser Nicole and bellydancer Milka. Sitting face to face with Sharon was so much fun, she's a very funny and sweet person. I felt like I was having a meet & greet with my idol ;) Yes, I admit, I am a groupie, and darn proud of it too.

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